# Electron Cash SLP Edition

Electron Cash SLP is a fully featured SLP light-wallet implementation that can Create, Mint, Burn, and Send SLP tokens and much more. This wallet validates all token transactions locally requiring no special SLP aware servers or infrastructure. Electron Cash wallet was built by the Electron Cash developers.

# Testnet

Start Electron Cash with the --testnet flag to use testnet mode.

$ electron-cash --testnet

You can get free tBCH from https://faucet.fullstack.cash/ (opens new window).

# CLI Interface

Electron Cash SLP Edition can be used in the development of SLP applications, often being very useful for automating transactions to test deposit detection among other tasks. You can also do electron-cash --help to see the full list of commands, and more advanced options for the following items.


Be sure to not perform any broadcasts from a non-testing wallet until you know what you are doing. Failure to ensure this could mean you lose your SLP tokens or BCH.

# Get Balance

TOKEN_ID="7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1" # SLP token id (64 character hex string)
$ electron-cash getbalance_slp $TOKEN_ID

# Send SLP

TOKEN_ID="7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1" # SLP token id (64 character hex string)
DESTINATION_SLP="simpleledger:qpygaungmfry8xzxphj4pw24kk5l9vfxlymlyey6rp" # SLP address; where to send the token
AMOUNT_SLP=10000 # Amount to be sent (in token units, floats ok)

$ electron-cash payto_slp $TOKEN_ID $DESTINATION_SLP $AMOUNT_SLP | electron-cash signtransaction - | electron-cash broadcast -

# Send SLP to Multiple Addresses


$ electron-cash payto_slp $TOKEN_ID "[[\"$DESTINATION_SLP1\", $AMOUNT_SLP1], [\"$DESTINATION_SLP2\", $AMOUNT_SLP2]]" | electron-cash signtransaction - | electron-cash broadcast -

# RPC Interface

There is an JSONRPC interface which mirrors the CLI interface. You must first configure Electron Cash with the rpcport, rpcuser, and rpcpassword variables, and start Electron Cash SLP Edition in daemon mode i.e. electron-cash --daemon.

curl --data-binary '{"id":0,"method":"payto_slp","params":{"change_addr":"simpleledger:qpygaungmfry8xzxphj4pw24kk5l9vfxlymlyey6rp","token_id":"7f8889682d57369ed0e32336f8b7e0ffec625a35cca183f4e81fde4e71a538a1","destination_slp":"simpleledger:qpfuqzv9vuuz7qp5x7spdmwvgl0pgdn5dy9lfc4kr0","amount_slp":100000}}' http://user:password@